New Hagiography


Saint Brigid of Kildare was the most influential woman in Irish history; this is her story.

Born in chains and then liberated,
You put on chains when your soul was not sated,
Druid’s food left your stomach in pain,
A cow with red ears gave you milk to sustain

You were called to be, Ireland’s lady,
Fell in love and refused to marry,
No possessions, donated your father’s things
Shunned power and were served by kings

Veiled as a girl, then consecrated,
You ordered their life out of the chaos you hated,
You snuffed out the fire of darkness,
And kindled the fire of lightness,

You were called to be, Ireland’s lady,
And with Conlith you guided the hungry
To a land of milk and honey
A foundation of this great country,

You turned water into beer,
Quelled the wind and rain, caused the deaf to hear,
Softened the heart of a king,
And raised a country to higher things,

You were called to be, Ireland’s lady,
Beloved of Patrick, two pillars of poverty
Leading men and women to Calvary
A foundation of this great country

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