St. Finnian of Clonard was the renowned teacher of the “Twelve Apostles of Ireland.” He learned the monastic life in Tours and Wales, and returned to Ireland to live as a monastic, initially founding a monastery on Skellig Michael and then, led by an angel, to live as a hermit at Clonard. Thousands were drawn by the holiness of St. Finnian, and the great Abbey of Clonard was established from which monasticism in Ireland flourished.
Son of Findlog, son of Leinster
Started early to claim your prize
Toured Tours and Wales
With Martin and Cadoc the Wise
So far from home, searching for real peace
On your return, leading to increase
From Skellig Michael to Kildare
An angel avant garde
Resurrection from the graveyard
Started in the desert of Clonard
Your cell was a lighthouse for those seeking their way
Thousands would follow your path through the grave
Golden tongued and well-versed
From all Europe they came
To receive life from your words
And to go and do the same
Taking seeds and spreading them abroad
Abraham’s legacy…I am in awe